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Unitec Institute of Technology

Unitec Institute of Technology - Yurtdışı Üniversite
Unitec Institute of Technology

Unitec Institute of Technology, 1976 yilinda, Yeni Zelanda?da kurulmustur. Auckland sehrinde 3 kampüse sahiptir. (Mt Albert, Hendersen ve Albany) Kampüslerde ögrencilere sunulan olanaklar arasinda kütüphaneler, kafeler, kariyer merkezi, bilgisayar laboratuvarlari, engelli ulasimi, saglik merkezi, IELTS test merkezi, IT destek merkezi, spor salonu ve tiyatro salonu bulunmaktadir.

Unitec Institute of Technology, 20,000?den yerli ve uluslararasi ögrenci egitim sunmaktadir. Enstitüde egitim alan uluslararasi ögrencileri 80?den fazla farkli ülkeden gelenler olusturmaktadir.

Auckland, Yeni Zelanda?nin kuzey adasinda yer almakta olup, ülkenin en fazla sehirlesmis yerlesimidir. Ülkedeki nüfusu en fazla kent olan Auckland, ayni zamanda ekonomik faaliyetlerin en yogun oldugu merkezdir. Mercer tarafindan her yil hazirlanan, Dünyanin en yasanabilir sehirleri 2011 endeksinde Auckland 3. sirada gösterilmistir. Ayrica The Economist dergisi tarafindan her yil düzenlenen, 2011 yili Dünya Sehirleri Yasam Endeksi?nde 9. sirada yer almistir.

Unitec Institute of Technology lisans programlari:

  • - Bachelor of Applied Science (Animal Management and Welfare)
  • - Bachelor of Applied Science (Biodiversity Management)
  • - Bachelor of Applied Science (Human Biology)
  • - Bachelor of Applied Science (Science Communication)
  • - Bachelor of Applied Technology ? Automotive Engineering
  • - Bachelor of Applied Technology - Building
  • - Bachelor of Applied Technology ? Electrotechnology
  • - Bachelor of Applied Technology ? Marine
  • - Bachelor of Applied Architectural Studies
  • - BA English as an Additional Language
  • - Bachelor of Business (Accountancy)
  • - Bachelor of Business (Finance)
  • - Bachelor of Business (Management)
  • - Bachelor of Business (Marketing)
  • - Bachelor of Communication (Event Management)
  • - Bachelor of Communication (Media Studies)
  • - Bachelor of Communication (Public Relations)
  • - Bachelor of Computing Systems
  • - Bachelor of Construction (Construction Economics)
  • - Bachelor of Construction (Construction Management)
  • - Bachelor of Construction (Property Development)
  • - Bachelor of Creative Enterprise
  • - Bachelor of Design and Visual Arts (Graphic Design and Animation)
  • - Bachelor of Design and Visual Arts (Interior Design)
  • - Bachelor of Design and Visual Arts (Photography and Media Arts)
  • - Bachelor of Design and Visual Arts (Product and Furniture Design)
  • - Bachelor of Design and Visual Arts (Visual Arts)
  • - Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Civil)
  • - Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Electrical)
  • - Bachelor of Health and Social Development (Diversional Therapy)
  • - Bachelor of Health and Social Development (Health Promotion)
  • - Bachelor of Health and Social Development (Youth Development)
  • - Bachelor of Health Science (Medical Imaging)
  • - Bachelor of Landscape Architecture
  • - Bachelor of Nursing
  • - Bachelor of Performing and Screen Arts (Acting for Screen and Theatre)
  • - Bachelor of Performing and Screen Arts (Contemporary Dance)
  • - Bachelor of Performing and Screen Arts (Production Design and Management)
  • - Bachelor of Performing and Screen Arts (Screen Arts)
  • - Bachelor of Social Practice
  • - Bachelor of Sport (Coaching)
  • - Bachelor of Sport (Management)
  • - Bachelor of Sport (Physical Education)
  • - Bachelor of Teaching (Early Childhood Education)

Unitec Institute of Technology lisans programlari 3 veya 4 yillik egitimlerden olusmaktadir. Lisans programlarinin yillik egitim ücretleri yaklasik 21,000 AUD ile 23,100 AUD arasinda degismektedir. Unitec Institute of Technology lisans programlarina katilmak isteyen adaylarin IELTS sinavindan 6.5 puan almis olmalari ve iyi bir lise derecesine sahip olmalari gerekmektedir. Lisans programlarina her yil Subat ve Temmuz aylarinda ögrenci alimi yapilmaktadir.

Unitec Institute of Technology yüksek lisans programlari:

  • - Master of Applied Practice
  • - Master of Applied Practice (Clinical Research)
  • - Master of Applied Practice (Health Science)
  • - Master of Applied Practice (Professional Accounting)
  • - Master of Applied Practice ( Social Practice)
  • - Master of Architecture
  • - Master of Architecture (Professional)
  • - Master of Business
  • - Master of Computing
  • - Master of Creative Practice
  • - Master of Design
  • - Master of Education
  • - Master of Educational Leadership and Management
  • - Master of Health Science
  • - Master of International Communication
  • - Master of Landscape Architecture
  • - Master of Osteopathy

Unitec Institute of Technology yüksek lisans programlari 1, 1.5 ya da 2 yillik egitimlerden olusmaktadir. Programlarin yillik egitim ücretleri yaklasik 19,800 AUD ile 26,000 AUD arasinda degismektedir. Unitec Institute of Technology yüksek lisans programlarina katilmak isteyen adaylarin IELTS sinavindan 6.5 puan almis olmalari gerekmektedir. Ayrica ögrenciler, iyi derecede lisans ortalamasina sahip olmalilardir. Yüksek lisans programlarina basvuru tarihleri her Subat ve Temmuz aylarinda yapilmaktadir.

Unitec Institute of Technology hakkinda GKR Yurtdisi Egitim Danismanlarindan bilgi alabilirsiniz.

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